Internet speeds are increasing, attention spans are decreasing, and people hate ads so much they’re paying to avoid them! This makes it harder for your website to get noticed and trying to remedy the situation with consistent impactful content creates unwanted frustration. You only have 3-5 seconds to make an impression on your website visitors. You are swimming against the tide and the longer you wait the farther your business will fall behind. That’s exactly why Brand Gratitude has taken our teams combined experience of over 24 years and created this list of actions you can take NOW to get your business moving upstream. Creating a clear brand online is one of the best decisions you can make to grow your business.
Within the first 5 seconds of viewing your website I should be able to tell what you do, how it benefits me, and how I can get it. If I can’t, you’re losing customers. Test this on a few strangers. Show them the first page on your website and ask them if they can tell you what you do, how it helps them, and how they get it.
The text on your website should be clear on who you’re trying to reach and direct visitors to EXACTLY what you want them to do. Too many options creates confusion and your visitors brains will become overloaded and they’ll leave. What is the one ACTION you want your visitors to take?
Keep things simple. Use short sentences, avoid commas, and don’t use insider language (Like how I used those commas?😀 But Seriously, try to avoid them). “Insider language” is when you use words related only to your type of work. Don’t get trapped in the “curse of knowledge”. PEOPLE DON”T KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW! Again, Keep it simple. Can a 3rd grader read it and understand it?
The truth is I don’t know you or your grandpa and I could care less about who they are. I want to know what you do and how it helps ME! Avoid writing pointless “history novels” about your business or how it got started. If you have one on your website, don’t delete it, just create a link to it from the footer of your site.
Nothing is more frustrating than arriving on a website you really wanted to read and are greeted by “the spinning wheel of death” or a difficult to navigate website that looks like it’s from the 90’s when dial-up was still a thing. (…Did I just date myself?🤔 )
Your website needs to be visually appealing and easy to navigate. We like pretty things. It’s just human nature. Your navigation should be simple and every link should lead to a section or page that highlights the problem your customer is facing and/or how you can help them fix it.
Branding your website is no small task but Brand Gratitude’s team of professionals is enjoyable to work with and make it easy for you to become the business people think of. Call Now.
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